Our Science
Methods of Testing

The Purity-IQ Certified Authentic Trustmark is a symbol that verifies that this product has one of the highest standards of product authenticity.

Authenticity =

Identity   +   Purity   Consistency

The Purity-IQ Certified Authentic Trustmark verifies:

The molecular composition of this product has been verified.
Its molecular composition conforms to the benchmark profile.
This product has met the Certified Authentic standards for consistency, ensuring product identity and purity across batches to ensure a consistent consumer experience.
This product has been tested using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR).

NMR can provide the following information about a product sample:

  • A comprehensive picture of the metabolomic profile of a product

  • Detailed information about the chemical composition of a product

  • The quantification of compounds present in a sample

  • The presence of contaminants or adulterants

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

The brand owner of this product has registered with the Purity-IQ Certified Authentic Certification program. The Purity-IQ Authenticity Certification Program (ACP) is a voluntary program designed to strengthen and support quality management systems.

Purity-IQ is a Canadian biotechnology company that works with leading edge genomic and metabolomic technologies to offer focused third-party product authenticity services, by validating and verifying the identity, purity, and consistency of ingredients and finished products. A Certificate of Recognition for this product has been approved by the Purity-IQ Science Officer and Certificates of Analysis and Authenticity have been provided to the manufacturer.