Welcome to MK Global Kosher Certification Agency! As the first kosher agency in North America with over 100 years of experience, we take pride in certifying over 100,000 products worldwide. The MK logo on a product represents our commitment to trust and the highest kosher standards.

Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to ensuring a seamless experience when entering the vast and dynamic world of kosher food. Our Rabbinic supervisors and technicians are experts in the complexity of modern food production and the details of Jewish law.

Kosher and trust is synonymous. When a product has a kosher stamp on it, especially one with a highly visible certification such as MK, the consumer knows the ingredients are accurate and authentic.

The MK Global Kosher Certification verifies:

Verification of Ingredients
All ingredients adhere to kosher dietary laws.
Inspection of Production Facilities
All ingredients adhere to kosher dietary laws.
Review the list of products from this brand owner that have been certified by MK Kosher:

White, Water, Rolls

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Chocolate, Cinnamon

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Chocolate, Cinnamon

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