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Christmas Showcase 2021/2022

Drink Recipe Shopper Activation

TapScanTM Retail Media Platform invited William Grant shoppers to engage with multiple brand recipes through a touchless engagement experience.

Operational Insights
TapScanTM Retail Media Platform invited William Grant shoppers to engage with multiple brand recipes through a touchless engagement experience.
Executive Summary

The William Grant Christmas Showcase was very successful.  The data and insights from this campaign can shape performance benchmarks for future campaigns.  The inclusion of other TapScan™ features and capabilities will allow for more insights to be gathered with each campaign:

Data Reporting: Measure experience effectiveness.
Location Identity inclusion for retailers:
Market Insights

The rise of RETAIL MEDIA, initially framed as an extension of performance media vehicles, is also proving to offer brands a full-funnel solution – all with unrivaled measurement and attribution capabilities.

Already, 74 percent of brands say they have dedicated budgets for retail media networks and these networks now rank fifth in terms of budget allocation, behind digital video, paid social, digital display and paid search.

Brands see retail data as effective in both building brands and driving conversions: 39 percent of those marketers surveyed said they use it to drive brand equity scores, while 44 percent said they now use retail data to track sales growth.

Modern retail consumers still value the in-store experience though much attention has been given to the rapid acceleration of e-comm driven by the pandemic, consumers are still vacillating between digital and real-world shopping.