What it means to be Kosher Certified

Welcome to MK Global Kosher Certification Agency! As the first kosher agency in North America with over 100 years of experience, we take pride in certifying over 100,000 products worldwide. The MK logo on a product represents our commitment to trust and the highest kosher standards.

Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to ensuring a seamless experience when entering the vast and dynamic world of kosher food. Our Rabbinic supervisors and technicians are experts in the complexity of modern food production and the details of Jewish law.

We understand the value of kosher certification and the impact it can have on your business. With close to $34 billion of food products now kosher, including $3 billion in direct sales to over 8 million consumers who choose to eat kosher, entering this market can only expand your business. We consider ourselves your business partner and will do everything we can to promote your company and help you reach your goals.

Choosing MK Global Kosher Certification Agency means choosing the highest measure of kashruth and an invaluable asset to your company. Thank you for considering us for your kosher certification needs.

Home Sweet Challah: MK Certified

We are a strictly Kosher establishment certified under the MK selling an assortment of delicious Challah and baked goods .

We believe in the value of homemade, handcrafted quality baked goods. Not only do they warm the home, but our products will definitely warm your heart.

Our favorite time of day is when our first batch comes out of the oven early in the morning, and the fresh smell fills the entire street. We like to keep it simple and emphasize flavor over flash.

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