Enable your packaging to create consumer engagements with customized and interactive content.

Control your message when and where it matters most.


Do you ever feel that your brand message is not in your control?

We believe there is so much more to say!

Easy to execute NFC and QR technology combines with our TapScan program to...

Deliver targeted, more valuable consumer engagements

Create meaningful and customized digital experiences for consumers who will engage with your products and brands through their smartphones.

  • Experiences customized by location and time
  • Initiate in store and continue the story at home with unique content
  • Easy updates to existing experiences with NO CHANGE required to packaging
  • Data analytics to better understand consumer usage and engagements

Enhance the in store experience with customized brand information and offers.

Product specific information to help with product selection.

Educate consumers on sustainability, ingredients or supply chain transparency.

Include tutorials, how to videos and instructional content to show consumers how to bring your products to life.

Ignite your brand at