Introducing TapScan


Targeted Consumer Experience

  • Enable your packaging to create consumer engagements with customized and interactive content.
  • Empower deeper consumer conversations with targeted messaging, product selection information and cross-branding opportunities
  • Experiences customized by location and time.
  • Initiate in-store and continue the story at home with unique content

Delivering Education

  • Enhance Patient safety
  • Explain product features and benefits
  • Survey for product effects and results
  • Include usage instructions, product interaction watch-outs and additional text for hard-to-read font sizes

Enhancing Sustainability

  • Multi-Language content Easy updates to existing experiences with NO CHANGE required to packaging or in-store marketing materials
  • Enhancing Sustainability

Creating First-Party Data

  • TapScan analytics collects data from all shopper engagements to provide insights, drive sales and increase brand performance.
  • Join the 16% of Global Leaders who are building Digital Marketing Ecosystems