Brand Story

We believe Brands have much more to say.

Encourage Sustainability

Educate consumers on sustainability and how their purchase impacts it.

Sell More

Grow engagement and cross sell products.

Apparel Footwear & Fitness

Transform apparel and footwear into a digital platform to connect your brand directly with consumers.

Our Products

Yoga Apparel for all occasions

Proper alignment of yoga postures is important for many types of yoga. Choose clothes that are not too baggy and that help you and your yoga instructor make sure you’re not doing anything harmful to your body.  

recycle your shoes

Our shoes contain 50% recycled content.

Ship us your used running shoes and we will upcycle them into new products.

Fitness Community

Getting in shape forces you to face your biggest challenges, and sticking to a regular routine for a long period of time. Find a class that will allow you to focus on the right exercise and workouts to reach your goals.


What Our customers say

I've managed to maintain a yoga workout 3 times a week for over 2 months now, and I owe it all to the classes that make you fall in love with the process.

Leslie Thompson

Our planets resources are not infinite and its important for our family to purchase products that contain recycled materials.

Emma Smith